Take time out of your day to be thankful for everything that you have earned, be thankful about your health and your current situation regardless of difficult situations. Being thankful will give you the extra energy it takes to create a better thinking style and stronger attitude adjustments over the longer period of time. Have confidence in yourself to be able to discover your strengths amidst adversity, it is not always easy but nothing worth having ever is.
Take time to exercise whether it be dancing, running, playing with your animal, or with your children or just taking the time to park a little bit further away from a building or taking the steps instead of the elevator. Make it up in your mind that you want to train yourself to do harder things, like running and jumping or playing sports. Find someone who will play with you and it can be more fun. Actively find someone who challenges you and pushes you further to be stronger. Be willing to make mistakes, fall on your face a couple times, throw caution to the wind. It is not about how well you do something it is about how hard you pushed yourself to achieve where you went.
Perfection is not possible so forget ever becoming perfect, you are you with your flaws and all, so is everyone else, so don't worry that you are not qualified, qualify yourself, tell your self that you are capable, and believe it.These are the thoughts to think actively set yourself up to succeed don't believe that you can fail, press onward to achieve victory.
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