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Friday, February 27, 2015

Getting Girls by Being Mean

This article is in part about you and my want to teach you how to game girls. In an effort on displaying how you can attract a girl by being highly mean this article will display in gratuitous detail how to grab a girl's attention and keep it. This article if you read to the end and the censor doesn't change the words or content you will be able to take a person from somewhat attracted to obsessed about you. This is the main article for this technique that is called hard pushing.

Do not say you have not been warned this article could be offensive and you need to read it fast if you want to implement it right away, because it could be taken down as have some of my other recent posts.

There are times that you will see something that you want, there are types of ways to learn how to make that stuff that is pressing on your mind become yours.
When you really want to start making someone think about you, start taking away things that you used to give them.
If you start to take away things that person is going to get scared that you are dissapearing.
When you are thinking about how you can use someone that you really like to do something that you really want them to do, do this, take your hand place it in there face as if you were going to punch them then stop, if you are doing this you are showing that person that you are reckless to the point of violence which is going to get her to think about you as a person that could hurt her. If you actually do this what is going to happen is she will learn to appreciate you as a person that would really abuse her. This is actually really what you want in a relationship because she is going to start respecting you as a man.
When you want a real start of a relationship while not really wanting anything else use the way that you can get two girls that are really into you while actually getting off by one then lieing to the other one, it will feel real good since you are actually not caring about what each one says. Do not do the things that will make her think that you are in a relationship just yet, 1st you are actually showing her that you do not care about her so she is going to want to actually feel when you want her more, so if you actually say that you want her more then she is going to actually show more interest in you.
Do something that says that she is lower value than you, make her so that she is actually at a lower place in the interaction than you by putting something in front of her to do that is so much below what you would do that she actually learns that you think in your mind that you are looking at her in a lowly way.
You start by taking something from her that she really likes, such as comfort, or support of her body, in ways that she can only feel since you really want her reacting to what you are doing and get her in the head space that you are controlling her, so that you are feeling the side of her self that is submissive. You feel the submissive power whenever you see that she is losing her control on you. You might have had sex with her to take away that power that you used to give her, what I want you to do is actually burn the power that she has by using your strength on her to suck away her confidene.
First when she is thinking that she has a grip on the situation that is before her it is really important that you start taking little things, the first thing that you take is her name, if her name is Kristy, call her something like Krispy, the way that you say it will determine if you say it right. When she looks at you first with her eyes that will dart at you from under her coy look that she wants to express to you, you are not going to be phased you are chill, you are cold, the way that you look at her is what is going to determine if you are going to attract her in a way that is attractive to her.
When you start out it is wise to actually only do this when you are with someone that you are sure will not be offended by the way that you are taking control from her, so if you know someone that you are willing to let have sokmething that might control her in a way that she will possibly resent you for doing then and only then do you use the techniques on her.
With the type of mindset that you are using you are coming in at her in a way that is going to lower her value so much that she is just going to make you her only one and only reason in her life that she is going to pay attention to. The key here is that you really want to take the power away then show that you are at the position to create massive attraction simply by causing her attention to pour onto you. The way that you do this is close to actually getting her attention, what it is really is you causing her to pay attention to you. So that you understand you are getting her attention in the steps that you use techniques, the situation that you have however is that you are garnering her attention as a way of creating attraction that will satisfy her in a way that is what only a man that has attraction from other people would do.
Take her hand then force her to come with you to the place that you are going, as long as you are doing something while you are there you went there to do something, this is going to show that you are taking her power from her to do what she wants by showing her what it is that you are doing. When you are moving her along be sure to posit the energy that you are the one leading while continuing to place your energy all over her.
You are going to simply say come here there is this really goof food that I want t oshow you, that I know that you are going to like. When you do this already be taking out your money so that she knows that you are buying.
Start taking what it is little things that if she were to object you would not really change her outlook on you that much. When you try big things think of what it is like for her when she is talking to multiple guys, she isnot changing the way that she really gets with a person she is just changing how she feels. You are going to take things in the same way that it appears to you, in as much as it is something that you know that is important to her. You are going to take things like whatever you really want. If you cheat do not act like it is really your fault, so say I would not have cheated really unless I wasn't being treated right and for some reason I was not happy. You ARE TAKING HER VALIDITY here, might be brutish this way it is the only way that can possibly work.
She is going to think of you as someone that is used to getting good results with women.  

you don’t have anything  you need to know that the person that you are talking to is going to make it profitable for you to live with in the long run. The only reason that you want to be with someone is if you are trying to better your life in some way. You can of course learn how to make people half respected as long as you want something that is valuable to you in this time that you are looking for some person that is going to just fill in the void that exists while the time just ticks away until you find someone that is going to truly be a value to your life.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Giving Good Information on the Female Worldview


  1. 1.Time and mate optimization
  2. 2. Coping strategy for Sex
  3. 3.World view and Contributive Style

Monday, February 16, 2015

Text Your Ex Back A Simple Process That Has Been Shown on the Oprah Show

Hello, for some of us the idea of returning to our ex is on our mind so it comes as no surprise that you are here. You might have wondered how your ex is doing and this is a definite turn around for you as yo are at the right spot, this is a product that can help you win back affection from your ex, and keep the affection growing towards you even more as you actually mend the heart that you two grew knowing eachother, this is not just some hoax, it involves interviews with people that have successfully gained back the confidance of their ex. Click Here!

Friday, January 30, 2015

The new dating game, how to connect easily and quickly

When you are first meeting someone the first thing that will increase your odds with getting to start a conversation is actually starting a conversation, while getting into a conversation with people may be easy the real task that you would see yourself facing quickly is that of connecting to the person that you see in front of you. You want to talk to the person not at the person, which in a way is what describes the technique of rapport, which is actualy relating to a person through the actions that you take to show the person that you are alike in some way to that person. The idea of using a technique is in someway using your skill to try to manipulate someone into thinking like you, using rapport is the exact opposite, it is using the way someone thinks in order to seem to that person that you are thinking alike to them. The main idea of rapport using is to seem alike to a person in a way that is going to create a connection that exists between the two of you.
By seeking to understand a person that is in front of you that you have just approached of course you are going to flounder around until you actually get it, using rapport is the only way to make this process as fast possible to get to the part were you are talking to this person on a deep level that is going to attract the person to you. You might have heard that by mimicking someone's body language you send a subtle cue to the person that you are communicating with that you are enjoying the conversation that you are having, this is true in that when you repeat what someone says it does have the effect of you understanding what is being said. What you are going to do with the process of gaining rapport with someone is learn the way that someone relates as it physically emanates from the body as it will generate to possible choices from the person and then use the choices that are made to question the person on the choice. Say if you are listening to a girl then she says that she is someone that enjoys family, you respond simply, you enjoy family.
 When you use this technique it might be apparently obvious that by mimicking the other person that using the technique too much will only aggravate the person that you are talking to, this is going to prove to be about the only obstacle that you face while using this technique. The first reason that you may come off as too wierd while using this technique is that because if you say the same thing too many times it is going to sound like you are a parrot that only says what it is told and this is the exact opposite of how to attract someone with your great communication skills. The second reason is that because people just are not used to hearing their own thoughts given back to them and it shocks people that have never heard anybody listen before. This is the only draws to using the rapport technique.
Using rapport will be the quickest way that you can make a connection with someone right out of the air because you do not need to come up with anything or think about anything you just repeat what you are hearing as you hear it and of course after the person is done talking. If you use the technique right it will be super easy to persuade someone to do something for you really quickly. The time that it takes to use this technique is about two minutes, since you can be talking to someone and all it takes is until you hear the person say something that you can repeat. The only drawback is if you use the technique way too much which is difficult because people actually love hearing their own words.
By putting yourself in front of someone you are showing that you are in fact worthy of the effort it takes to maintain a conversation with you for at least as long as it might take to blow you off. Although by displaying a certain effort to maintain eye contact the first interaction that you have might actually get past the introduction allowing you to say your name and finally posit something of value into the conversation that might make it stick more than just simply walking up to someone and staring would. The idea behind this technique is that it is not a technique it is a principle that guides your life in a way that emanates from your body in a way that go in unnoticed with a power that will secretly be building up in the conversation, this power is known as value. By going into an interaction in a way that shows that you have good values you also show that you are a friendly person, remember when you go in front of someone you want to show the person that you can talk in a friendly way that is normal. The reason that normal people can talk to others and the person actually like them is because the power that is generated by the value that is going on behind the conversation.
What you might think is that you are now aware of this principle that is called value, and you now have questions as to how to create it. Your question might sound like what does it actually look like when you are creating value, to what do I say that creates value, the answer to the first question is that it looks unnoticeable, the answer to the second question is that you barely do anything. That might at first sound like it has to be wrong and it can be explained, by thinking about having to do something you are taking your focus off of the interaction then putting it onto something that is external as well as not relevant to the situation so therefore you are actually putting your effort into a false situation that does not exist. The reason that you learn to make your value strong is because it is internally guided as it relates to the situation that is actually happening and not as to how it might happen or how you want it to happen, using value is the true way to create attraction that is in the moment and according to the relevant situation.
When you are doing things that are of high value you are showing that you are someone who is used to being liked because you do not have to take control over a situation you just actually enjoy what is happening and that is alright. When you fret over small things it shows that you have lower value because you let things get to you, by actually slowing down in a conversation you start to begin understanding someone in a way that you would not have if you were fretting over the way that your hair looked or thinking about the way you sound or how your shirt looks. The whole idea about being of value means that you are someone that is used to being liked by people because this frame sets the belief that you do not need to prove yourself in a situation you are are here to enjoy yourself and that is what is going to happen, regardless of who is around. Using your value will start to make you more attractive because you start thinking about the interaction that is before you instead of placing the energy on outer things.
 Using value can be done in many ways, it starts with relaxing in a conversation to slow down which says I am totally cool. Another technique that you can do to make someone see your value is to just by cutting someone off in mid conversation, this might at first seem rude, only it is just an extension of your valuable attitude, remember you are used to being liked by people so being hated by some is also part of the description of getting good at game. Being good at everything is not a value that you can actually show off because it is a stem of neediness meaning that you need to show off to someone to make yourself look better, remember relax in a conversation while letting other people speak from time to time as it is deemed necessary, just remember that by being a valuable person you take on the burden of a conversation. Taking on the burden of a conversation is something that you will most likely do plenty of times in the beginning because people are more likely to just sit and listen to you talk than to speak up.
 We are now onto the idea of letting other people enjoy in your good energy, with this idea we see some complications that might arise if you are too overly self indulged with yourself. First we see that as someone that wants to approach a girl and simply start chatting making a little connection showing a little bit of yourself in a way that is attractive as well as high value, you are showing also that you just have been thinking about yourself and you actually just have been giving yourself these positive emotions. This is possibly where things can actually turn for a bad case since most people follow the current dating advice that says stuff like put her in her place by showing that you can knock her off her pedestal, this is just wrong you can not knock a girl off of something that she is not on anyways. The fact remains that most girls regardless of how beauty has blessed her in the multitude of its grace, she will outright believe that she is ugly, adding to the voice that says she is worthless is not at all going to change the way she sees you, it will only link you to her feeling ugly, so remember she is not on a pedestal so think in terms of how you can make her day more filled with emotions that make her feel positive about herself.
By showing a girl that you can add to her in ways that are going to generally make her feel good you are showing that you are full of generosity, this is going to be the way that you think about girls from now on. Understanding that she is not on a pedestal is the first step to truly opening yourself up to a woman in a way that she can feel good around you, by actually giving her a compliment about her dress you start to make it apparent that you are not a malicious person that would leave her homeless or without at least a temporary shelter to live in, it is the small things like giving her a 3 dollar sandwich when you are eating lunch in just a way that says I am not trying to impress you I just noticed that you as well as all people must need some form of this life sustaining element, it is not really rocket science, you just give her something and that is the basic premise of being generous. Were the operational interest in your favor comes in hand is in what you decide to give her the amount that you decide to give and the frequency in which you give this thing. It is your creative idea to do with what you want, if you want to show her that you want her as more than a friend do it in sparing gestures as well as innocent things that are something that you would do for your friend in general. You don't need to think about this as her taking from you something that is rightfully hers to steal from you, it just happens that you are a generous person to be this way so you do things that are nice.
Being generous doesn't ever have to stop although it apparently doesn't have to continue as much after you have already established that you are genuinely a generous person, since the first impression of you sticks in someone's head longer than any other impression. You can try to change an impression later on while you might think it is necessary to be forever and faithfully exhaustively supportive of everyone doing this just depletes your emotional energy, which will cause you to get really sad about the things that you provide it is just a side effect of caring too much that ends up happening to good people, so start by being very generous then let people remember it for a long time to come, so that you can invest yourself into other things that you like.
This is the basic premise of game that you will learn by accepting this website ideal, think of this as a step in the right direction for your life and for that of others.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Being Enthusiastic

Being Enthusiastic Headings & Paragraphs
This is the begining of a new day you are going to change the way that you look at your life

Just because you have been accustomed to being hurt, dragged down and generally dismissed by people that you think are supposed to respect you in the past, learning to just get over the pain that can happen in everyday life is not going to be easy, if you are deeply in pain by this situation

Giving up might seem like the only option that you have since it is the easiest and seeminly least painful out of the options that are available. The only way that you are going to make a change is if you think about the situation differently thatn you thought about it before, so let us start on what is going to take to get you back to feeling and thinking that you are worthwhile.

Making A Change Is Not going to be easy

Even making small changes in your life is going t oprove to you that you are stuck deeper than you can ever possibly make yourself out of, and the only way that you can possibly ever get out of this situation is through doing something different than you have ever done.

You can do this by telling yourself something different than what you have been telling yourself or you can let God intervene in your life, the only way you are going to learn to become happy again is by changing the way that you believe.

How do I get closer to God and how do I change my beliefs

Getting closer to God is something that you might start thinking is something that involves becoming religiously affiliated or chanting until your breath is gone and that is not the way that you will become happy whether it brings you closer to the ancient way of being religious or affiliated with the ancient way, it is just not what will make you happy i the long run, so what will make you happy,i.e. closer to God in a way that he can change your lif? The first way is to pray to him as often as poosible. This will allow you to hear his plans for you, which will change what you thought was your only option in life. The second is to ask him for forgiveness of what you have done before that is keeping you stuck where you. Reading the Bible is going to tell you just what it takes to aquire the forgiveness that you need. It will start in John chapter 3, the verse that you are looking for is verse 16. The verse says,"That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son for whosoever shall believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Now when you want to change the way that you are feeling about yourself and bollister more confidence in every area of your life you are going to start changing the thoughts that you have that are keeping you were you are at currently, the thoughts that you are now currently thinking are keeping you in the spot that you are right now. Your thoughts may range from desperation to straight out thinking that you are worthless and worrying about the future. You are going to start learning now that you are worthwhile because you have the ability to change the way that you think by just changing the the way that you talk to yourself. If you said earlier that you are incapable of living without worry, start to let yourself heal by saying I am apt to worry, and it is the beginning of my new life, since I know that I worry I know that I am normal because I worry about normal things, it is only a indicator of what I am thoughtful about. You are thinking right now that this istrivial, you are probably skeptical about this, you will learn that shifting your beliefs only takes a few clever redirections of your energy and your time, and making your worries into checklists for the future is going to be the first step that you take to making your future the future you want to live in.

Today I Will Not Worry

There comes a time in your life where you might feel like giving up or feel depressed. The situation can be made worse if you feel like you have no control over the situation, that just seems to be getting worse. What sometimes seems like the most simple thing to do while you are in this state will seem like a monumental task.

Today I Will Not Cry

What it takes to become happy again is the same feeling you are trying to achieve and you set up a cycle of not being good enough which will again make you not good enough. What happens is the confidence you have to do things dwindles because you no longer feel like you have the capability to care. What it takes to feel confident again varies and sometimes is not a simple thing if you have felt this way for a long time. When you find yourself feeling this way you might wonder how to achieve a sense of happiness regardless of the situation you are now currently in.

Today Is The Day I Gain Control

If you have ever been stuck, thank God for letting you be that way, because if you are somewhere else you would have never gotten to where you are without being where you came from, thank God for the struggle, because what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

If you stick it through you will eventually find that the situation will no longer have any hold on you and you can get back to being happy. If you are not capable of getting back to being happy you still have blocks that are stopping you from achieving great things. The key factor that will cause you to be able to break these blocks is your attitude to getting it done. If you have an attitude that no matter what you are going to try and you are going to be happy regardless of the outcome you will make your enrgy towards difficulty much more positive and therefore more likely to inspire you to achieve.

If you are an enthusiastic person you take on a responsibility towards your goals that shows you are not someone who just fakes it. What you are showing generally when you are being enthusiastic is that you are someone who is used to getting it done and doing it while having fun. Be enthusiastic towards your goals and see how it helps you become even more confident and accomplished in your life, work, and also with your relationship with friends.

This my girl riding her tiger

Friday, January 23, 2015

Poem by e.e cummings called i thank you God for this most amazing

i thank You God for this most amazing

day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees

and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything

wich is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,

and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth

day of life and love and wings:and of the gay

great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing

breathing any-lifted from the no

of all nothing-human merely being

doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and

now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

Friday, January 16, 2015

I like sandwhiches



I like eggs.
And ham!
But mostly sandwiches.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A nice evening we had

sex without penetration It was a nice evening with just the two of us.
We had a candle light
dinner and a bottle of wine.
You looked very sexy in your elegant evening
On the way home you were saying how much of a lovely time you had at
our romantic dinner.
After we returned home you were standing in the bedroom kicking off your
shoes when you asked me to rub your back.
I approached you from the rear
and placed my hands onto your shoulders.
You let out a sigh when I began
to massage you.
You started saying how good it felt when I took my hands
and traced down the outside of your arms.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

When you need a little help in life!

We all need a little help from our friends.

“I get by with a little help from

my friends.”

—John Lennon


people never realize it until it’s too late.

When you need a little help in life!

We all need a little help from our friends.

“I get by with a little help from

my friends.”

—John Lennon


people never realize it until it’s too late.